The PTNews Corpus is a collection of over 19 million tokens extracted fom 10 years of political news articles from the Portuguese newspaper PÚBLICO. The corpus is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.

The corpus sizes between the preprocessed version of Penn Treebank (PTB) and WikiText-103. Similarly to WikiText, PTNews has a larger vocabulary than PTB and retains the original case, punctuation and numbers. This corpus contains over 31000 publicly available full articles which makes it well suited for models that can take advantage of long-term dependencies.

Description and Examples

PTNews is preprocessed to be used as a word level Portuguese corpus. It is available as a series of words or other tokens (like punctuation, numbers, etc). The corpus was preprocessed so that users can access the tokens by splitting by whitespace.

In this processed version, the words with less than 3 occurrences are mapped to the <unk> token. Each sentence in an article body occupies a single line of the dataset and the end of paragraph is marked with the <eop> token at the end of its last sentence. Portuguese words resulting from contractions like desta, ou nesta are separated into d, esta, n, esta, respectively.

Some basic statistics for the ptnews corpus with the respective splits:

Vocabulary OoV Tokens OoV Rate
68 318 95.043 0.5%
  Total Train Valid Test
Articles 31 919 25 537 3 191 3 191
Tokens 19 021 661 15 242 995 1 895 184 1 883 482

Example article:

Carlos César : Cavaco " cansado e sem entusiasmo " quis afastar responsabilidades sobre a crise
2010-06-10 15:38:00

O presidente do Governo Regional dos Açores , Carlos César , considerou hoje que Cavaco Silva esteve " cansado e sem entusiasmo " no discurso do Dia de Portugal , onde afastou responsabilidades sobre a actual crise . <eop>
" O país ouviu um Presidente cansado e sem entusiasmo , que andou às voltas com os papéis para dizer que não tinha nada a ver com as razões da crise " , afirmou Carlos César , num comentário à Lusa sobre o discurso do Presidente da República na cerimónia oficial do 10 de Junho , realizada em Faro . <eop>
Carlos César considerou , no entanto , " positivo " que Cavaco Silva tenha feito " um discurso alinhado com um tema recorrente na apreciação do momento que vivemos , o da coesão e da corresponsabilização " . <eop>
No mesmo sentido , manifestou concordância com o apelo que Cavaco Silva fez " à responsabilidade dos empregadores e empregados " , mas deixou um alerta relativamente à referência do Presidente da República à necessidade de " limpar Portugal " . <eop>
Para Carlos César , se essa referência " for despida de conteúdo institucional útil , tratou-se de mais um discurso que se perderá na babugem política d aquilo que Cavaco Silva entendeu recordar como o ' rectângulo ' " . <eop>

Download & Utils

There are two datasets available: ptnews and ptnews-origin.

The word level ptnews dataset archive contains 3 files: ptnews.train.tokens, ptnews.valid.tokens, and ptnews.test.tokens with the train, validation, and test splits respectively. Each of these only contains titles and news article bodies. For the full information about each article date and url from which it was extracted, see the origin dataset.

The origin dataset file contains a single file with articles containing a title, both the dates and urls from which the news articles were extracted, and the article body.

Python interface to PTNews

A Python interface to the PTNews interface for convenient access to the PTNews dataset is also available through the nldata python package. The package can be installed from PyPI using pip or other package manager such as Poetry or Pipenv.

pip install nldata

The PTNews corpus class class can be used to read the dataset files downloaded above from a given directory, or, to download, extract, and cache them directly

from nldata.corpora import PTNews

# reads from a local directory
ptnews = PTNews(data_dir=...)

# alternatively download and cache the files
ptnews = PTNews()

# get 4 sentences from the train split file (default to all sentences)
for sentence in ptnews.split("train",n=4):
  # do something with the sentence 

If the corpus needs to be downloaded (because no data_dir was specified) and the files are not in cacheThe, a file download progress is printed to the stdout (using tqdm). If you run this a second time, the files are already in cache and can be used.

Downloading: 100%|██████████| 35.9M/35.9M [00:27<00:00, 1.28MB/s]
['“', 'Descoloniza', '”', ':', 'estátua', 'de', 'Padre', 'António', 'Vieira', 'vandalizada', 'em', 'Lisboa']
['A', 'estátua', 'do', 'Padre', 'António', 'Vieira', ',', 'no', 'Largo', 'Trindade', 'Coelho', ',', 'em', 'Lisboa', ',', 'foi', 'vandalizada', 'com', 'a', 'palavra', '“', 'descoloniza', '”', 'pintada', 'a', 'vermelho', '.']
['A', 'boca', ',', 'mãos', 'e', 'hábito', 'do', 'clérigo', 'foram', 'tingidas', 'de', 'vermelho', 'e', 'no', 'peito', 'das', 'crianças', 'indígenas', 'que', 'estão', 'representadas', 'à', 'sua', 'volta', 'foi', 'pintado', 'um', 'coração', '.']
['Durante', 'a', 'noite', 'd', 'esta', 'quinta-feira', ',', 'a', 'Câmara', 'de', 'Lisboa', 'procedeu', 'à', 'limpeza', 'da', 'estátua', '.', '“']

If no split name is provided, the default is to merge all the splits:

# the default for the split is "full" which will merge all the splits into a single iterator
for sentence in ptnews.split(n=4):

Lexical Analysis

The table below shows the frequency distribution for the 20 most common tokens in ptnews, and the most common without including stop words or punctuation. The most common token is the the comma, which occurs over 1 million times. Note that words starting with an upper case letter are considered distinct from the ones starting with lower case letters.

Rank (All Words) Freq   (No Stop/No Punct) Freq
1 , 1 116 769   Governo 57 886
2 de 748 916   PS 47 530
3 a 572 820   PSD 44 775
4 que 555 783   Portugal 34 056
5 . 550 757   República 28 773
6 o 453 748   disse 28 207
7 e 405 687   país 26 573
8 do 344 723   António 24 661
9 292 959   partido 24 565
10 da 291 415   política 24 432
11 233 492   Costa 22 982
12 233 031   presidente 21 017
13 para 191 028   líder 20 854
14 186 934   Presidente 20 759
15 em 173 211   PCP 18 569
16 os 167 225   primeiro-ministro 18 439
17 não 151 092   afirmou 17 675
18 um 137 056   CDS 17 525
19 com 133 778   Passos 16 890
20 uma 131 811   ministro 16 433

Zipf’s law states that given some corpus, the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. Thus the most frequent word will occur approximately twice as often as the second most frequent word, three times as often as the third most frequent word, etc.

One of the problems with existing corpus like the PTB (frequently used for language modeling) is that all the tokens are lower case, stripped of any punctuation, and limited to a vocabulary of only 10k words. This preprocessing means that there is a lack of words in the long tail of the frequency distribution, and these, can be important to applications that have to deal with rare words such as named entities.

Zipfian log-log plot showing the relationship between word rank and frequency for the 100k most frequent words, with (left) and without (right) stop words and punctuation.


  author       = {Nunes, Davide},
  title        = {PTNews Corpus},
  month        = jun,
  year         = 2020,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = 1,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3908507},
  url          = {}

Results & Resources

If you wish to report results or other resources obtained on the PTNews contact Davide Nunes with the following information:

  • Task: e.g. Language Modelling, Semantic Similarity, etc;
  • Publication URL: url to published article or preprint;
  • Type of Model: LSTM Neural Network, n-grams, GloVe vectors, etc;
  • Evaluation Metrics: e.g. validation and testing perplexities in the case of language modelling.

Contact Information

If you have questions about the corpus or want to report benchmark results, contact Davide Nunes.


PTNews Corpus by Davide Nunes is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 . To view a copy of this license, visit cc-by-nc-sa/4.0. The material contained on the PTNews Corpus is © 2010-2020 PÚBLICO Comunicação Social SA.